Medical Printable Resume Medical Previous Next Automated Blood Mixer for Abbot Laboratories Robotic Mechanism with one motor and three distinct operations Blood vial grip/release (lower end)Traverse between stations (Middle)Blood mixing per FDA regulations (upper end) Blood mixer Vial Acquisition Sequence Vial Mixing Sequence Vial Grip / Release Sequence Robotic mechanism with one motor and three distinct operations Blood vial grip/release (lower end)Traverse between stations (lower end)Blood mixing per FDA regulations (upper end) Blood Mixer Vial Acquisition Sequence Vial Mixing Sequence Vial Release Sequence Batch Thermoformer for dental Appliances Principle Engineer Conceptualized and designed first batch thermoformer for medical devicesUnique varied pressure approach achieves highest rated devicesProduction model produced over 1M parts in it’s first year US Patent US10286594B2 Thermoformer on Production floor US Patent Illustration Principle Engineer US Patent US10286594B2 Conceptualized and designed first batch thermoformer for medical devicesUnique varied pressure approach achieves highest rated devicesProduction model produced over 1M parts in it’s first year Thermoformer on Production floor US Patent Illustration Thank you for visiting Thank you for visiting